Error when running
oren opened this issue · 3 comments
My tablet is my laptop is ubuntu.
I installed the reStream on my laptop and on my tablet. I am running it from my laptop and see this message:
Error: Could not find pid of xochitl, is xochitl running?
(just trying to provide more information)
no the rm, I believe the executable is in the right place and looks ok:
ls -l /home/root/restream
Hi @oren
Can you post the full error log? Normally the error message you receive should be surrounded by other output from the script.
If that is not the case, you may be running the executable directly. You need to run the
script on your laptop in order for this to work.
If you are running the script in your laptop, then the executable is working correctly but you are not running xochitl, this is needed on the rM2 unless you have installed rm2fb, but in that case it should detect that the framebuffer is located at /dev/shm/swtfb.01
i am not sure what changed but it's working now. thank you!