
Build Maven Central artifacts

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Can I build somehow artifacts for maven central?

Sorry for spamming issues... I just saw your repo to day and I love it.

That doesn't tell me how I can release things to maven central. These are currently my steps and plugin for maven central release:

            <!-- mvn clean deploy -P release -->
                    <!-- QUALITY GATE -->
                                    <!-- disable strict checking -->
                                        <!-- https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html -->
                                        <!-- https://central.sonatype.org/pages/apache-maven.html#distribution-management-and-authentication -->

                    <!-- DEPLOYMENT -->


We also added a publishing section to the wiki:

Hope this helps.

Hm, just as feedback not as complain, i still love your approach and idea! But i cant tell why, it does not feel intuitive to use. At least for me.
Also things like new PublishInfo(), new PublishLicense(), new PublishScm() are breaking the cool chaning flow.
Would be also nice to shorten stuff like githubSCM("https://github.com/johndoe/mylibrary") or read defaults like groupId License, repo url,... from folder structure. Just few whises from my side.
But i still will try it out one time :)

Thanks for feedback.

bld is making extensive use of the standard builder pattern, which sounds like is what you are unfamiliar with. I can relate. It was not a pattern I used regularly, and took a bit to get comfortable with.

The publishing options are following the Maven standard naming conventions, which makes sense since you are publishing to a Maven repository.

You could store all of your default publishing options in a properties file, so that they can be reused between projects, etc.

Don't give up. There's always a learning curve with new tools, and we are here to help.