
Feature: Save more items to preset

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This is a great start, but it needs to save the things we are forced to remember or look up each time.

  • VAE
  • Clip Skip
  • Cfg Scale
  • Sampling method
  • steps

All of these would be great to set with a preset.

Awesome extension. Would also REALLY like a notes section which is strictly for documenting specific presets.

OP-- Clip Skip, CFG Scale, Sampling Method and steps all seem to be working when entered into the Model Generation Data field.
The two additional features that I miss is populating Hires. Fix Upscaler and being able to check ADetailer on/off.
Just an additional suggestion: might be easier for others if the negative, positive, and additional settings were in their own separate Model Generation Data text boxes. It's not a big deal to me, but I can see others being slightly confused.