
Question about --vpp-nlmeans fp16 parameter settings and errors

quamt opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello @rigaya,

I'm currently using the --vpp-nlmeans feature and have some questions regarding the fp16 parameter options. While integrating this into my workflow, I’ve run into a few confusing points concerning the parameter values and their documentation.

Documentation on fp16 Settings:
According to the documentation, the options for fp16 include:
none: Uses fp32 for higher precision but slower performance
blockdiff: Uses fp16 in block difference calculations for a balance between performance and precision
fp16: Uses fp16 in weight calculations for faster performance but lower precision

Encountered Errors:
When I set the fp16 parameter using --vpp-nlmeans fp16=fp16, I receive the following error:

Error: Invalid value "fp16" for "--vpp-nlmeans fp16="
Option value should be one of below...
  auto, fp32, fp16

Interestingly, when I try fp16=auto, which the error message suggests as a valid option, I get a similar error.
This option (auto) isn’t listed in the initial documentation.

Confusion with Parameter Values:

It appears that the valid options listed in the error messages do not entirely match what’s in the documentation.
Also, while none and blockdiff work as expected, they are not mentioned in the error message as valid values.

Thanks a lot for your help and the awesome work on this tool!_

"fp16" is written wrong and should be "all", so --vpp-nlmeans fp16=<x> should take "none", "blockdiff" and "all".

I'll fix the help in next release.

Online document has be fixed for --vpp-nlmeans fp16.

Thank you for your feedback.
I will now mark this issue as resolved and close it.