[REQ] Lensfun (hw-accelerated ?) filter support
MarcoRavich opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi there,
I recently discovered the cool Lensfun library and the relative FFMPEG filter.
HW-accelerated lens correction would be great.
EDIT: from this interesting - even if dated (2010) - paper on the subject
In macroscopic terms, we find that todays mainstream conventional multicores are not effective in supporting real-time distortion correction, at least not with the currently commercially available core counts [..]
At the same time, hardware accelerators - such as FPGAs, GPUs, or non-conventional multicore architectures such as the Cell BE - are often used to improve performance of computationally demanding algorithms or applications with execution time constraints.
Unfortunately, Lensfun does not seems to provide GPU accelerated implementation, so it would be difficult to integrate it to QSVEnc.
I'm sorry but currently I have no plan to implement it to QSVEnc.