
How to make a index.markdown without a menu

lipangit opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello :

I am intresting in the style. but the index page is a menu I do not need the menu , the index is a content.

How to show the page with no-style-pleae.



you can change the home.html layout, adding the following line at the end of the file:

{{ content }}

Then you can edit your index.md file (that should have layout home) and write anything you want. These contents will be displayed in the index page after the menu. If you want to delete the menu, just delete everything in _data/menu.yml. (In the latter case it may be simpler to create a new layout from scratch...)

The next version of no-style-please will implement this feature, so users will only have to add content to index.md and it will be automatically displayed (done!)