
errors when load from excel files

mrtylerzhou opened this issue · 5 comments

1.export to excel just fine,but when loading excel file,I came across a lot of formatter problems.(even use the excel file generate by this extension).
2.suggestions:Will you plan to support multiple Statistics instance,I need sum,avg when exporting excel.
3.suggestions:will you plan to support custom format cell other than just customize datetime

@mrtylerzhou Please provide more info about the bug(s). And thanks your suggenstions, I'll first to support Fluent configuration API in v2.0, and than, I will support mare formatter and more configuration api, PR wellcome.

@mrtylerzhou I had implemented the fluent configuration api, and your 2. suggestions. had been supported. The v2.0.0 had released

In v2.1, I will add more formmater setting.

@mrtylerzhou The Excel.Load<T>(..., valueConverter = null) have an optional converter, so you can pass your converter to handle cell value.

v2.1 had been released.