
Console log spam from Siemens header

alund opened this issue · 4 comments

alund commented

daikon.Siemens.readHeader() is generating error messages like this:

RangeError: Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView
    at DataView.getUint8 (<anonymous>)
    at b.Siemens.readHeader (scripts.bundle.js:761)
    at Function.b.Tag.convertPrivateValue (scripts.bundle.js:777)
    at new b.Tag (scripts.bundle.js:765)
    at b.Parser.getNextTag (scripts.bundle.js:738)
    at b.Parser.parse (scripts.bundle.js:735)
    at Function.b.Series.parseImage (scripts.bundle.js:748)
    at papaya.volume.dicom.HeaderDICOM.readNextHeaderData (scripts.bundle.js:1350)
    at papaya.volume.dicom.HeaderDICOM.<anonymous> (scripts.bundle.js:1350)

This occurs when this.data is less than 4 bytes long (and so presumably is not a CSA2 header).

Would you happen to have a sample file I could test with?

alund commented
alund commented

The attached .zip file contains a single slice that demonstrates the problem.

Should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting this.