
Globant homework assignment

Primary LanguageCSS

The Problem

Create a web app that display the current weather along with forecasted highs and lows for the next 5 days.

The Solution

After weighing my options between building this web page out manually with javascript/jquery and HTML/CSS, I decided the better solution would be to use React as it specializes in simple, single page applications - I ended up using the extremely helpful "create-react-app" tool to complete this task.

To make design and layout simpler, I utilized Semantic UI.

For handling DarkSky's times, I used Moment.js and to make requests to the DarkSky API I used Axios.

A small limitation presented by DarkSky's API is it's authentication and the fact that CORS is disabled. To solve this, I set up the simplest of simple API servers that accepts "endpoint," "lat," and "lon" parameters in a GET request in order to make the actual DarkSky API request while keeping my secret key secure. (http://darksky.rileypweber.com?endpoint=forecast&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude} makes the request https://api.darksky.net/forecast/{secret_key}/{lat},{lon})


To start, regardless of the environment being used, this app has the following dependencies:

  1. Clone the reposity
git clone https://github.com/rileyweber/globant.git
  1. cd into the 'globant' directory
cd globant
  1. Run yarn to install packages and start the development server
yarn && yarn start

You will be directed to your browser pointing to localhost:3000 which now displays the current weather and 5-day forecast for Seattle, Wa.

To build the project, simply run yarn build which creates the build directory. Whatever server software is being used, this is the public directory that will be served. In my case, I already had Apache serving other content so I merely added a new virtual host config file to the sites-available directory and ran sudo a2ensite {config file name} && sudo service apache2 restart