
additional flavors?

v1k0d3n opened this issue · 4 comments

ok, i'm in total agreement that this is an awesome project. great work! what are your thoughts about adding other OS flavors or networking options into the mix? it not a light undertaking, but it could be really useful for corps trying to look at rancher vs coreos vs fedora. i had an issue where i wanted to automate build-outs for dev off of my laptop (result: https://github.com/v1k0d3n/terraform-kubernetes), but I think having a wrapper around this approach, using the cockpit interface and the other kubernetes tools would be very powerful!

@v1k0d3n not sure I have time for other OS flavours, here at Deis we love using CoreOS :)
Somebody just can fork my repo and start from there

i know, and i'm personally a huge fan of CoreOS too. unfortunately, large organization split these roles into smaller groups so I'm not sure I'll have the final say. i just need to provide as much information as i possibly can, and hope that they come to some of the same conclusions. i understand about the workload and focus though...(i had to ask if it was a consideration though). 😄

@v1k0d3n I gave up with other OS flavours 18 months ago in favour of CoreOS, was running CoreOS in production in my previous work for long time :)

closing. may try to fork when i have some time. great project! you've made it drop dead simple for anyone to start exploring kubernetes!