
Lost state?

whyvez opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Does helm-tiller maintain state somewhere? On a tiller stop/start, I lose my releases. I can see my release on my cluster but helm release does not return anything. I can also see releases from other namespaces but not in my own. Could it be because I didn't stop tiller using the stop command?

Here is an example of the steps to replicate this issue.

  • start tiller ๐Ÿ‘‰ helm tiller start
  • install release ๐Ÿ‘‰ helm install
  • list releases, release shows ๐Ÿ‘‰ helm list
  • computer restart
  • start tiller
  • list releases, no releases

What am I doing wrong?

If I run kubectl get pods I see the pods for my release.

I tried duplicating the issue without success. How could this disconnect happen? How could helm/tiller not know of a release it has done in the past?

cannot really comment on the issue, not sure why it not work for you