
Are you still maintaining this library?

SebastianStehle opened this issue · 4 comments

I like the library and as of now, it is the only component that supports flexible item heights. It is really great.

But it is sad that it is not maintained anymore. What is the current status?

Would you make an upgrade to angular 15 and ivy? I would also donate for that.

J-N-R commented

For anyone else wondering this, I've been using a really nice fork by iharbeck. Check it out here:


There is another library (not a fork) that I think deserves a look:

It's actually quite simple, supports responsive changes to the viewport size very well, and is quite configurable. Just make sure you specify both [itemHeight] and [itemWidth], or it wont render more than one item.

I think with a little love, and maybe a few features brought over from this lib, this one has a LOT of potential. We are going to try it in our app and see how it goes.

Thanks, but I am explicitly looking for solutions with flexible item height.