
Display Values & Ticks in Sliders

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Sometimes it's useful for sliders to display label their range. This could be the minimum/maximum, the zero point, or (if a step size is specified) the steps. Related, but separate: It would be nice to have small tick marks below the slider and above the values.

Suggested Solution

Add two parameters:

  • show_ticks: bool | list[float] = False
  • show_labels: bool | list[str] = False

If show_ticks is False, no ticks are displayed. If True, come up with ticks automatically and add them. If a list, add ticks exactly at the specified locations.

If show_labels is False, no labels are displayed. If True the values at the given tick locations are displayed. If a list of strings, it must match the number of ticks and those exact strings are displayed.


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