Option to automatically create new methods calls when loading updated contract
Closed this issue · 3 comments
When clicking on the refresh button of an Importer (in REST for example)
It would be nice to have an option to automatically generate sample calls for all new discovered methods in updated Swagger, instead of having to search them from the "Add > New operation > Use imported API definition as template" panel.
Maybe a such option already exists, but I wasn't able to find it.
Thank you.
This feature already exists: https://kreya.app/docs/importers/#generating-operations-automatically
Simply check the "Create an operation for each API method" checkbox in your OpenAPI importer. This also creates new operations when clicking the refresh button
Thank you, the option was unchecked, and I thought it was only during project creation, not for future "refreshes".
Maybe (for a future release of course), you could list all new endpoints found during refresh and ask for which operation(s) user wants to have the generation done automatically instead of "all or nothing" (by a list of checkboxes for all operations found) ?
Good idea, I have added this to our backlog