
Enhance environment configuration UX

AFract opened this issue · 3 comments


I am working with some users constantly forgotting or complaining about the "Environment selection" drop down list as shown here when they have to modify settings :
Personnally I'm totally used to the current look & feel, but many people around me find this confusing and I have to remind them the proper usage, so I think it could be improved.

  1. Is it possible to make the dropdown more noticeable ? By surrounding it with a "rectangle control box" for example or slightly changing its background color for example. If people can see it clearer, I hope they won't forgot to use it.

  2. Also, this dropdown list could may be preselected by the current environment previously selected in Environments tab, if any:
    image instead of being positioned to "all environments" ?

Thank you

I can see your point, you are using a different workflow than we envisioned when we implemented this feature.

The way we intended this was that all information is stored in environments and only templating is used in the default settings (e.g. {{ env.endpoint }} for the gRPC endpoint). This way, when adding a new environment or changing the gRPC endpoint for one environment, one does not have to change anything in the default settings. That is the reason why the dropdown is not preselected by the current environment.

However, there are cases where one cannot simply add things to the default settings, such as headers which should only be sent in a specific environment. Or disabling TLS validation for local development. This is why we added the environment switcher to the default settings.

Could you explain a little bit more how you are using the default settings? Making the dropdown more noticable is definitely possible, but maybe we are missing more use cases that we haven't thought about.

Thanks for answering !
We are using it mainly the way you describe ("all environments" containing for example query/header templates like "{{ env.XXX }}" as values and specific values are set on each environment level).

I don't think you missed an obvious use case, this is mostly a matter of usability for my users :

  • Half of the time they forgot there is an "environment" dropdown on the tab "Default settings", and
  • As they have usually previously selected an environment while entering on the "Project > Environment" form they are confused to not find the settings for this specific environment if they click on "Default settings".

Hence my two proposals, but thev most important is the first one (make the dropdown more visible)

Thanks for your feedback!