
Grant the npm owner right to the riotjs npm organisation

GianlucaGuarini opened this issue ยท 16 comments

I have mailed a couple of months ago @cognitom and @jhthorsen because I can't publish new release on npm. This package still doesn't belong to the riotjs npm organisation.
I am still waiting updates on this topic...

@GianlucaGuarini Oh, super sorry. I've noticed right now. I've just granted the access to riot-route package on npm. Thanks.

@cognitom thanks but I still don't see it in the riotjs organisation and I can't add it either :(
screen shot 2018-02-02 at 08 04 41

Oh, really? I'll check it. Wait a bit.

@GianlucaGuarini I've just tried the command below:

$ npm access grant read-write riotjs:developers riotify

Then, I got an error like this:

error code E403
error Forbidden : -/team/riotjs/developers/package

Do you have any idea...?

@cognitom I'd mail the npm support because at moment none of us could grant the permissions :(

Let me know if there's any action I should take to solve this.

@jhthorsen I wrote to npm support and that's the answer I got:

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

You're running into what I'm afraid has been a longstanding bug with adding unscoped packages to Org teams. Right now, it's only the initial publisher who can do it without contacting support. We do hope to fix this soon, but it's been a long process.

If you like, I can take care of giving the @riotjs developers team read access to riotify.

How does that sound?

Apparently you are the only one able to unlock the situation :D

Still doesn't work me either ๐Ÿ˜ž

$ npm login
Username: jhthorsen
Email: (this IS public)
Logged in as jhthorsen on

$ npm access ls-collaborators riotify
  "gianlucaguarini": "read-write",
  "cognitom": "read-write",
  "jhthorsen": "read-write"

$ npm access grant read-write riotjs:developers riotify
npm ERR! code E403
npm ERR! Forbidden : -/team/riotjs/developers/package

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     2018-04-08T16_41_09_652Z-debug.log

And from the log:

9 verbose request uri
10 verbose request sending authorization for write operation
11 info attempt registry request try #1 at 9:41:09 AM
12 verbose request using bearer token for auth
13 verbose request id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
14 http request PUT
15 http 403
16 verbose headers { 'content-type': 'application/json',
16 verbose headers   'cache-control': 'max-age=300',
16 verbose headers   'content-length': '21',
16 verbose headers   'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
16 verbose headers   date: 'Sun, 08 Apr 2018 16:41:09 GMT',
16 verbose headers   via: '1.1 varnish',
16 verbose headers   connection: 'keep-alive',
16 verbose headers   'x-served-by': 'cache-bur17522-BUR',
16 verbose headers   'x-cache': 'MISS',
16 verbose headers   'x-cache-hits': '0',
16 verbose headers   'x-timer': 'S1523205669.413739,VS0,VE181',
16 verbose headers   vary: 'Accept-Encoding, Accept' }
17 verbose stack Error: Forbidden : -/team/riotjs/developers/package

@jhthorsen sorry I had no time to add you to the organization team members. Now you should have received an invite. Thank you. Let me know if after the migration you want still to be in to contribute to riot 4. Have a nice Sunday

@jhthorsen ehy could you please try again?

@GianlucaGuarini: Sorry for the late response! I have not seen your response ๐Ÿ˜ž

I have not received any invitation. Can you send me it again? But... I thought I was already there? Is it a different team than ?

you are temporary a riotjs developer member

Oh. I'm so slow today, haha

Still getting "Forbidden". Is it easier if I delete the package and then you can upload it to npm? (If possible)

Still getting "Forbidden". Is it easier if I delete the package

no that's a bad practice.
I will contact npm again to see what can we try next..

this issue was resolved contacting the npm support. The new riotify@3.0.0 was finally published! ๐ŸŽ‰

This is great news! Glad it worked out in the end ๐Ÿ‘