
Easily get updated seen/unseen info

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have an alert. I have many matching observations, many of them are unseen. I click on one unseen observation, e.g. 3710562466. I get this:

That's perfect! But how to go back to my matching observations where this observation is not marked as "Unseen"? If I use the back arrow in my browser I get the cached page with again the "Unseen" badge next to the observation, which is of course not true.

I have to refresh the page and then click on "Table View" to get the updated information as shown here below.


Not really user friendly. Maybe adding a "Back" button to the observation page? @niconoe: what do you think about it?

Indeed, that's something to be improved!

Hi @niconoe, I think you solved this by adding the gray button "Go back to previous page" (see below), isn't?


If you agree, you may close the issue 👍