
Own name to group of species

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Request received by e-mail from @timadriaens:

Anticipating a larger list of species: would it be possible to add the possibility to give your own name to (groups of) species when you create alerts?

My preliminary take:

  • I understand the concern, I'm not sure the suggested solution is the best way to achieve that
  • To me, any "species grouping feature" should be available everywhere species can be selected (dashboard filters, ...), and not only on the Alert creation form
  • giving a custom name, per-user, for a list of species feels a bit circumvolved. So I'd first implement other improvement to the species selector, including grouping (crayfishes Vs plants, ...)(see #12 and #165 for example). There's also the idea to allow a custom name for the alert itself (#123). After implementing those two features, I'd ask Tim if he still needs to give a custom name to a list of species.

I agree with you, @niconoe. I think we should solve this for everybody, not at user level. The issues you mention go right to the point.

What about a few predefined lists that people could either tick at once or select species from. Of course the Union List is on the radar, but there could be themaric ones, alert lists from riparias or other life projects for instance. It is enough if someone can do that at curator level of the tool I think, otherwise it will be a mess. Ideally, these listst are all on gbif and har ested from there.

This has been solved by the introduction of tags in the species selector.