
Automatically change current website language after profile update

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@damianooldoni noticed that if a user change its preferred language in its profile, it has no effect on the selected language of the website (only for emails).

While I think it's important to let users the freedom change language at any time using the selector in the navbar, it might be more user-friendly to automatically change it just when the user save/update its profile.

Hi Nico! Actually I think the situation at the moment is very user friendly: the language selector in the navbar is great.
I think the problem here is the fact that the language field in My Profile is confusing. I got confused just after a month of holidays ๐Ÿ˜„

The language of the alert notifications is a property of the alert, exactly as the notification frequency.. I think we should move this field in the Alert page. It can be perfectly put below the frequency notification field and calling it "Alert notifications language". They fit nicely. What do you think? This means the language could change from an alert to another, even if this is unlikely to happen of course. Is the engine flexible enough to support this so that you have not to work on it too much?
Otherwise, we have a very easy alternative: just replace "Language" with "Language of alert email notifications" in the Profile panel ๐Ÿ˜„

Hey @damianooldoni, if you're okay with this I think I will rather update the text in the profile form. There would be no technical problem to move the language to the Alert (rather than the user), but I think it doesn't make much sense:

  • I don't see any reason for a user to have multiple alerts in multiple languages
  • but the user language could be used for other things than just the alert e-mail languages (for example other automated emails: lost password, ...)

Therefore, I think the language should stay a user property rather than the alert property.

Great! It makes sense to me.

I improved things as discussed:

  • Clearer help message on profile edit form, so users understand the change will affect emails
  • The current language is updated on profile save (visitors can override it at anytime from the navbar)

I don't see changes on RIPARIAS production website. Maybe will change in a few minutes or tomorrow?

I just had to revert the second change ("The current language is updated on profile save") because it's hard to make this work reliably and I don't want to spend too much time at this (late) stage for a minor issue.

The clearer message is kept.

Things are not visible yet on production, because I didn't create a release with recent changes yet, I'll do that ASAP.