
Show scientific name next GBIF ID in pop-ups

Closed this issue · 4 comments

While zooming to maximum level, the occurrences are displayed as circles. A pop-up appears while clicking on a circle. The pop-up contains the GBIF ID(s) of the occurrences linked to that point (lat-lon). See screenshot below with a point linked to one occurrence only.

A request coming from the users is the following: add scientific name next to the GBIF ID. This is quite helpful when multiple species are selected. A very typical situation actually.
In the case shown below, the pop-up will be:

4146368923 Alopochen aegyptiacus

As discussed earlier today during the video call, it could be an easy win.


This is now implemented (and visible on the demo site, we'll create a release soon!)

It's still not visible on demo site, maybe should I wait for the release?


Hmmmm, it is visible for me.

Can you try a hard refresh?

It works. 👍