

msp-platforme opened this issue ยท 6 comments


RIPE API hasn't been updated as much as RIPE SDK, so we must catch up on that debt.


  • Find out what documentation is missing -
  • Review the existent documentation
  • Update the documentation


Discipline Estimation
Software Development + QA 5 days

Woof, Woof!

Thank you for submitting the "RIPE API (Python) Tech Debt" issue ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

โšก Tobias has found some errors โšก

  • A description section is expected

Please do not forget to review our internal guidelines:

  • Describe the problem in the best possible way
  • Include at least the Description section, but considered adding other sections
  • Avoid suggesting immediate solutions, think deeply about the problem
  • Engage in the Triage process being as responsive as possible
  • Understand and accept the possibly large amount of execution time
  • Avoid immediate reallocation of the issue, let triage do their job

Engaging in the development process in the best possible way helps it being efficient and fast.

Your friend,
Tobias (Platforme's mascot)

Tobias Bot

โšก Tobias has found some errors โšก

  • A description section is expected

โšก Tobias has found some errors โšก

  • A description section is expected

โšก Tobias has found some errors โšก

  • A description section is expected

Due diligence finds:

Incomplete/wrong docs

  • Render Endpoints

    • Mask
      • model is not mandatory (it should be)
      • Default size is not correct (depends on the build)
    • Swatch
      • Missing variant parameter
  • Config Endpoints

    • Info
      • missing version, initials, engraving, initials_extra, size, gender, meta, params, guess
    • Price
      • missing version
    • Availability
      • missing version
    • SKU
      • initials_extra with the wrong description, missing size, gender
    • Check what the resources contain
  • SKU Endpoints

    • Create
      • Point to a table containing the contents of a spec in the resources
  • Brand Enpoints

    • Mesh
      • Find a better way to return the mesh file
    • Config & Spec
      • missing safe, logic
    • Logic
      • change method_name to method
    • Logic method
      • remove groups word
  • Order Enpoints

Missing Docs

  • Account
  • Authentication
  • Build
    • The install/uninstall/switch won't enter the documentation, since they have no use for the client โ›”
    • /builds/str:name/fonts
    • /builds/str:name/fonts/<regex('[a-zA-Z0-9]+'):font>.str:format
    • /builds/str:name/fonts/<regex('[a-zA-Z0-9]+'):font>
    • /builds/str:name/locale.csv
    • /builds/str:name/locale/keys
    • /builds/str:name/locale/template
    • /builds/str:name/locale/str:locale
    • /builds/str:name/locale/str:locale/values
  • Render โ›”
    • Missing swatch endpoints return the same as the one documented, only with get parameters instead of path parameters.
    • /compose/clear request clears the cache of compose, which we do not want to give control to our clients
  • Translate โ›”
    • not being used by any client we have
  • Config
    • /config won't be added since it's an admin endpoint that lists all configs of all brands in the environment (not useful for a client) โ›”
    • /config/prices
    • /config/defaults/str:model
  • Country Group
  • Design โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them.
  • Email โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them (used for events URLs)
  • History โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them.
  • Justification
  • Model โ›”
    • The model enpoints are similar to the Brand ones, only it derives the brand (since the model is the identifier and not the brand). I don't see any use case where our clients need to specifically use only with model instead of brand so there is no reason to document these endpoints. Our clients will only use the brand ones
  • Notify Info โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them.
  • Order
    • /orders (List)
    • /order (Create) โ›” (we normally use import order for this)
    • /orders/search โ›” (returns links to the admin page of the order - core, so not client facing)
    • /orders/ (Delete) โ›” (I believe this is dangerous, we should not allow clients to remove orders from our platform)
    • /orders/int:number/attachments
    • /orders/int:number/attachments/int:attachment_id
    • /orders/int:number/attachments/count
    • /orders/int:number/attachments (POST)
    • /orders/int:number/notes
    • /orders/int:number/waybill
    • /orders/int:number/return_waybill
    • /orders/int:number/refresh_shipping
    • /orders/int:number/log
    • /orders/int:number/states
    • /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id
    • โ›” /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/chat (very specific to our products)
    • โ›” /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/chat/lines (very specific to our products)
    • โ›” /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/chat/lines (POST) (very specific to our products)
    • โ›” /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/chat/lines/count (very specific to our products)
    • /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/attachments
    • /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/attachments/count
    • /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/attachments (POST)
    • /orders/int:number/states/int:state_id/attachments/int:attachment_id
    • /orders/int:number/price
    • /orders/int:number/transport
    • /orders/int:number/create
    • /orders/int:number/produce
    • /orders/int:number/quality_assure
    • /orders/int:number/reject
    • /orders/int:number/ready
    • /orders/int:number/send
    • /orders/int:number/block
    • /orders/int:number/receive
    • /orders/int:number/return
    • /orders/int:number/cancel
    • /orders/shipping
    • /orders/int:number/subscription GET
    • /orders/int:number/subscription PUT
    • /orders/int:number/subscription DELETE
    • /orders/int:number/meta (PUT)
    • /orders/int:number/production_status (PUT)
    • /orders/int:number/priority (PUT)
    • /orders/int:number/proof_of_delivery (PUT)
    • /orders/int:number/return_tracking (PUT)
    • /orders/int:number/tracking (PUT)
  • Plugin โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them.
  • Profile โ›”
    • Very technical and not client facing features, so no need to document them.

This is now considered done