
No masks options disable highlighting but masks are still loaded

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Through the use of noMasks or useMasks one can control whether the masks are used. However, even when not using them, the SDK still loads them and these represent a significant amount of network requests. We should not load masks if they are not going to be used.

Expected vs. Observed

- -
Expected The masks are show and not loaded i.e. no network requests for masks are made.
Observed The masks are not shown but are loaded and you can see it in the network requests.

Repro Steps

  1. Initialize our RIPE in this repo
  2. Set useMasks: false or noMasks: true in the bindConfigurator method
  3. Build the SDK, launch the demo, go to localhost:8080/simple network tab



Woof, Woof!

Thank you @joao-conde for submitting the "No masks options disable highlighting but masks are still loaded" issue 😎.

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Your friend,
Tobias (Platforme's mascot)

Tobias Bot

When masks are on (parameter use_masks=1) we see a lot of network requests and we can also hover the model and see the masks.

When masks are off (parameter use_masks=0) we don't see network requests related to maks and we if we hover the model it does not have masks.