
SimPeople(Japanese Ver) support + general bugs

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I have a Japanese copy of sims 1, so I tried running Simitone, but it tried to open "C:\UIGraphics" which does not exist. After investigating, I found out that InstallPath does not exist in registry, but "The Sims" key existed, so it never defaulted the path, this could be fixed.
===From this part, it's all Japanese related.===
After manually creating that registry key, Game tried to open LotLocations.iff file in the Simitone\UserData, but it did not exist. Looks like Lot*****.iff files are all not present on japanese copy,
And **Desc.iff in UserData\Homes(there is DTDesc.iff which is not used in Simitone.
NeighborhoodDesc.iff and StreetNames.iff inside UserData was missing as well.
I will give further update when i found where all those things went.