
Can't open on MAC M3 Arm

Closed this issue · 6 comments

“Memento” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

Version 1.2.1 Works. Latest has issues.

I can't reproduce this even if I run it on a system without Homebrew. What version of macOS are you running?

Same issue on M1 Ultra.

Mac Studio

MacOS: 14.3.1

Happens with both macOS releases for version 1.2.2. Version 1.2.1 does not give the error.

I can confirm building from current master on M3 does not have issues.

I can't reproduce it, so it seems like I'll have to do a fresh install to try and reproduce the issue.

This should be fixed with v1.4.0. I've spun up a macOS 14.5 VM without Hombrew installed and was able to verify that they work there. If you continue to have issues, feel free to reopen this.