
Getting ecliptic data for getAllPlanets but i want Equatorial Coordinate data.

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Can you help with this?

I know you are getting all planets data from ephemeris package but I don't know how to convert that.

Does the getUTCPosition function not serve purpose? I would love to accept a proper functionality for this exact issue though.

Actually I build an app using astrologyapi but now I am trying to build a node API myself.

Hi Rishabh, we actually got stuck in middle, at planets position raw data. Please help us to convert that Raw data to get regular planetary degrees which we'll find in every Astrology App.


This textfile above is generated by running the getAllPlanets function

This is all as per the usage of ephemeris

@bipinrajbhar It does contain equatorial units: If by that you're referring to RA and DEC
@pavan336477 The output also contains the required format for you to use i.e, "degrees" "minutes" and "seconds"

Please do let me know if I misunderstood your question.