
Converting colors from RGB to HSI of an image given in RGB color space by computing the Hue (H), Saturation (S), Intensity (I) percentages and vice-versa.

Primary LanguagePython

Color Image Processing

Color Models, Color Space

  • A color model is a specification of a coordinate system within which each color is represented by a single point.
  • Hardware-oriented color models; e.g., color monitors and printers, RGB, CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow), CMYK (+black)
  • Application-oriented color model; HSI (hue, saturation, intensity)

RGB Color Model

  • Each color appears in its primary spectral components of R, G, and B
  • Based on a Cartesian coordinate system (cube)

HSI Color Model

  • RGB and similar others are not practical for human interpretation.
  • Hue: a color attribute that describes a pure color.
  • Saturation: a measure of the degree to which a pure color is diluted by white light.
  • The HSI space is represented by a vertical intensity axis, the length (saturation) of a vector from the axis to a color point, and the angle (hue) this vector makes with the red axis.
  • The power of HSI color model is to allow independent control over hue, saturation, and intensity.


Converting colors from RGB to HSI

01 Theta 02 Hue 03 Saturation 04 Intensity

Converting colors from HSI to RGB

1. RG Sector (0 < H < 120):


2. GB Sector (120 < H < 240):


3. BR Sector (240 < H < 360):


