
Coding solutions from Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy By Narasimha Karumanchi

Primary LanguageC++


Coding solutions from Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy By Narasimha Karumanchi

Dowlnoad link for the book Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy By Narasimha Karumanchi (5th Edition)
For conceptual clearity refer the explaination given in the book.

Topics covered

    • Linked lists
    • create list
    • find middle in list
    • detect loop in list and find length of loop
    • detect Y in list / Intersection of 2 lists
    • reverse pairs in a list
    • print n th node from end
    • check list is palindrom or not
    • reverse pairs in a list
    • merge 2 sorted lists
    • print N th node from end
    • implement stack using linked list
    • display list from end to fromt

    • Binary Tree
    • create and display tree
    • Find deepest node in tree
    • Count full nodes in tree
    • Count half nodes in tree
    • Find data in tree
    • Sum of all nodes in tree
    • find height of tree
    • Check if 2 trees are identical or not
    • Check if 2 trees are mirroe of each other
    • Convert a tree to it's mirror
    • Delete a tree
    • find max in tree
    • find level with maxinmum sum in tree
    • Print paths to all the leaves from root
    • Print tree in reverse level order

    • Binary Search Tree
    • create and display BST
    • Insert in BST
    • Delete a node from BST
    • Find key value n BST
    • Check BST or not using INORDER traversal
    • Check BST or not using MIN / MAX in subtree method
    • Find max in BST
    • Find min in BST

    • Heaps / Priority queue
    • Max heap construction
    • Min heap construction
    • Find max element in min heap
    • Kth smallest element n min heap
    • Merger 2 max heaps
    • print nodes smaller than a key
    • Delete node at given index in max heap
    • print k max elements in max heap
    • delete arbitrary node from max heap

    • Dynamic Programming
    • Catalan number recursive code
    • Catalan number dynamic prog. way
    • Max contiguous sum in an array
    • T(n) = i=1n-1 2 * T(i) * T(i-1) , (n>1), T(0)=T(1)=2