
Boilerplate project for interview

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Round 3 of your React Interview

This round is to test your practical knowledge of using React in real world applications. The repo serves as a boilerplate for the React application you are going to build. The boilerplate is created using create-react-app.

Please read the below instructions carefully

Before starting keep in mind the below points

  • The repo is configured with ESlint to check the code quality of your javascript code.
  • Failing the rules set by the above linters will prevent you from committing to this repo
  • The Project will show some VS Code plugins as recommendations, that help you regarding these linter, ESLint, Editorconfig, etc. Install these plugins for better experience.
  • Has bootstrap 5, react-router 6, many other libraries which you might need pre-installed.
  • You can install other npm packages if you want
  • Upon completing the problem, commit to your forked github repo and share the github repo url with us for review
  • Writing inline CSS is discouraged, utilise bootstrap or write your custom CSS in separate CSS files or CSS modules.
  • Create a .env by copying .env.example which contains your environment variables
  • UI must be responsive
  • Can use any online resources to solve the problem
  • Must use fetch API to make API calls instead of axios. Use JSON.stringify to convert the body to string when doing any POST request. Don't pass any headers like Content-Type or Accept in the request.
  • You have a total of 2 hrs to complete the task


Please read the below instructions carefully. Complete all the steps sequentially.

  1. FORK this repo to your own GitHub account. DON'T CLONE THIS REPO. Fork button is the top right corner of the page.

  2. Clone it to your local machine.

  3. Open the project folder in VS Code

  4. Install the recommended plugins

  5. Install node_modules using npm or yarn.

    npm install


    yarn install
  6. Create a .env by copying .env.example at the root of the project.

  7. Run npm run start or yarn start to run the project.

  8. Project will start at http://localhost:3000

If you are on Windows and getting lot of ESLint errors due end of line characters CRLF please run the below command to fix it.

npm run lint:fix

NOTE: If you face issue installing with npm trying using yarn v1.22.*

If you are unable to push to your repo due to lint errors, please run npm run lint or yarn lint to check the code quality. If unable to solve the lint errors, commit using git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE" --no-verify and share the link with us for review.

In case of any queries feel free to contact us