
Issues added from Comicvine with "Wanted" may have storyline name or "No Name"

nstephenh opened this issue · 2 comments

If they have no name then there is no way to navigate to them.
If they have the storyline name, then "aquisition" defaults to that name.
Consider instead "series_name issue (year)" or "series_name #issue"
Example would be Star Trek Lower Decks: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/star-trek-lower-decks-1-all-in-a-sea-of-wonders/4000-947280/

Issue 1 defaults as all in a sea of wonders and issues 2 and 3 don't have a name.

@nstephenh Do you mean the comicvine search page or the acquisition panel on a comic issue's detail page?