
AssertionError: `output_dir` missing. in create_create_cityscapes_tf_record.py

Phulieu opened this issue · 2 comments

File "create_cityscapes_tf_record.py", line 108, in main
assert FLAGS.output_dir, 'output_dir missing.'
AssertionError: output_dir missing.

I have the problem in running create_create_cityscapes_tf_record.py
First I change :
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
Because I use tensorflow 2.2
Is there any error in this way ?

Have you solved this problem? Can you explain how to set these paths?

output_dir is which directory you want to store the TFRecord output, you can simply use --output_dir ./output.
Just set output_dir is not enough, you also need to specify the directory of --input_pattern, --annot_pattern, and --cityscapes_dir, each of this directory depend on where your dataset been put.

Detailed explanations of those arguments are all in the create_cityscapes_tf_record.py.