
New module: Google Cloud SDK

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I noticed that there is support for the AWS SDK. I would love support for the Google Cloud SDK. This might be the tooling I would need to expedite some of my needs. Thanks!

myzie commented

Absolutely 😄

Are there any particular services or resources that you most commonly work with?

Compute is a big one. Storage.

Honestly, mostly I work with: Compute + GKE, Storage, Big Query, IAM, Networking, Firewalls, Artifact Registry, Cloud SQL, Redis (MemoryStore), GCP Secrets Manager... :)

myzie commented

Ok great. I'll be aiming to take the same approach as I did with AWS, and there Risor gets each service with basically no incremental development. But in case that doesn't work out, I'll have to prioritize the services while tackling them more individually. 🤞

Anything you can do would be great! I'm more than willing to be a guinea pig also. I have some go work in flight with regards to GCP anyways. So if I can streamline some work, I'm all for it.