
Print from Stdin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am looking to know if the following is capable?

Printing from STDIN Python

 echo test | python -c "import sys; print(sys.stdin.read().strip())"

Printin from STDIN in risor

 echo test |  risor -c `...` # what goes here

Printin from STDIN in risor

 echo test |  risor -c `...` # what goes here

Other MISC examples

echo test | risor -c 'print("hello")
myzie commented

Hi @bernadinm, thanks for asking about this. I had neglected working on any useful stdin support, as silly as that sounds.

I just took a first cut at it here: #73

Can you review the examples in the PR and let me know how it looks to you?

myzie commented

This is available in Risor as of release 0.10.0. Let me know if you have any trouble with it!