
  • Initialize the largest_index variable to -1. This will keep track of the largest index that we can reach in the array list.
  • Initialize the new_largest_index variable to -1. This will keep track of the largest index that we can reach in the array list at the current iteration.
  • Initialize the count variable to 0. This will keep track of the number of jumps that we need to make.
  • If the length of array is 1, return count.
  • Iterate over the elements in the array list.
  • For each element, calculate the total index that we can reach by adding the element's value and the current index. If this total is greater than - -new_largest_index, set new_largest_index to the total.
  • If largest_index is less than or equal to the current index, set largest_index to new_largest_index and increment count by 1.
  • If largest_index is greater than or equal to the last index in the array list, return count. After the loop finishes, return count.


  • Time complexity: O(N)
  • Space complexity: O(1)
