Meteor package for jsondiffpatch - Diff & patch for JavaScript objects. More info:
meteor add risul:jsondiffpatch
// sample data
var country = {
name: "Argentina",
capital: "Buenos Aires",
independence: new Date(1816, 6, 9),
unasur: true
// clone country, using dateReviver for Date objects
var country2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(country), jsondiffpatch.dateReviver);
// make some changes = "Republica Argentina";
country2.population = 41324992;
var delta = jsondiffpatch.diff(country, country2);
assertSame(delta, {
"name":["Argentina","Republica Argentina"], // old value, new value
"population":["41324992"], // new value
"capital":["Buenos Aires", 0, 0] // deleted
// patch original
jsondiffpatch.patch(country, delta);
// reverse diff
var reverseDelta = jsondiffpatch.reverse(delta);
// also country2 can be return to original value with: jsondiffpatch.unpatch(country2, delta);
var delta2 = jsondiffpatch.diff(country, country2);
assert(delta2 === undefined)
// undefined => no difference
Array diffing:
// sample data
var country = {
name: "Argentina",
cities: [
name: 'Buenos Aires',
population: 13028000,
name: 'Cordoba',
population: 1430023,
name: 'Rosario',
population: 1136286,
name: 'Mendoza',
population: 901126,
name: 'San Miguel de Tucuman',
population: 800000,
// clone country
var country2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(country));
// delete Cordoba
country.cities.splice(1, 1);
// add La Plata
country.cities.splice(4, 0, {
name: 'La Plata'
// modify Rosario, and move it
var rosario = country.cities.splice(1, 1)[0];
rosario.population += 1234;
// create a configured instance, match objects by name
var diffpatcher = jsondiffpatch.create({
objectHash: function(obj) {
var delta = diffpatcher.diff(country, country2);
assertSame(delta, {
"cities": {
"_t": "a", // indicates this node is an array (not an object)
"1": [
// inserted at index 1
"name": "Cordoba",
"population": 1430023
"2": {
// population modified at index 2 (Rosario)
"population": [
"_3": [
// removed from index 3
"name": "La Plata"
}, 0, 0],
"_4": [
// move from index 4 to index 2
'', 2, 3]