
Spike: API validation with authentication and user roles

Closed this issue · 2 comments

User Auth within Prisma

Problem Statement

With the storage of session data and auth information, how can we run checks on our API that will prevent non-authenticated users from calling some of our API routes?


Learn more about how Auth is handled in Next.JS and best security practices when handling auth validation among API


Could be a simple WHERE clause in Prisma client, in which the API will fetch auth tokens and compare with the current session.


  • What are some best practices for handling/validating auth data in Next.JS?
  • How will our API validate authenticated users and role-based users?

Research Tasks

  • Look through Next-Auth documentation
  • Find other resources online that documents best practices for validating auth tokens in API
  • Find Next.JS-specific guides and documentation that mentions this validation in more detail

Results and Conclusion

will be added later

Changed tutorial link to next-auth getting started page.