
Epic: API CRUD Commands

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Epic: API CRUD Commands

API Create, Read, Update, and Delete Commands

User Stories

List the user stories that are associated with this epic.

  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the USER table, so that I can manage the USER table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the OFFICER table, so that I can manage the OFFICER table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the OFFICER POSITION table, so that I can manage the OFFICER POSITION table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the SCHEDULE table, so that I can manage the SCHEDULE table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the MENTOR table, so that I can manage the MENTOR table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the COURSE table, so that I can manage the COURSE table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the COURSE TAKEN table, so that I can manage the COURSE TAKEN table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the SKILL table, so that I can manage the SKILL table.
  • As a front-end dev, I want perform CRUD on the MENTOR SKILL table, so that I can manage the MENTOR SKILL table.

These will be adjusted following a meeting with the product owner to determine what features they do and don't want to be editable

Technical Requirements

List the technical requirements for this epic.

  • [ ]Schema complete

Design Considerations

List the design considerations for this epic.

  • What tables need all 4 functions
  • What tables will only need some functionality
  • What should be readable


  • Auth to determine who can access the API

  • [Epic 1]

  • [Epic 2]

  • [Epic 3]

Design Documents

List the design documents associated with this epic.

  • [Document 1]
  • [Document 2]
  • [Document 3]