
Story: Go Link Valid URL Check

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Go Link Valid URL Check

As a user logged in as an officer, I want to have my link authenticated before it’s posted to the site so that dead links aren’t posted.

Associated Epic: Go LInks

Definition of Done

  • Acceptance criteria defined
  • Solution tasks specified
  • Feature branch created
  • Unit tests written (on API code only for now)
  • Solution passes full suite of unit tests
  • Design documents updated if needed
  • Pull request created
  • Code is reviewed
  • Code is merged to develop branch
  • Tests pass on CI
  • Deployed to staging environment
  • Acceptance criteria is met

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I post a valid link, when the API creation command is run, then I am given a confirmation that the link is valid and it is posted to the site.
  • Given I post an invalid link, when the API creation command is run, then I am given an error and told the link returned a specified error code.

Solution Tasks