
v1.3 Upgrades

ritchieng opened this issue · 7 comments

New packages to be added for v1.3

  1. TensorLayer
  2. OpenCV
  3. TensorFlow v0.11


  1. Compile ensuring compute capability 3.0 instead of 3.5 (p2 instances)


  1. Dockerized implementation

I suggest updating Tensorflow to 0.11. It was released recently.

@avostryakov As stated in FAQs, you've to use sudo reboot and follow any FAQ answers due to the nature of TensorFlow where even a dockerized implementation has issues in being platform-neutral (frustrating I know, but imagine the whole installation, it's worst). There are a few factors but it's mainly caused by an issue with the varying drivers when you spin up an instance.

Yes. I'll be upgrading to v0.11 after doing some tests. Thanks 👍 Do share this AMI if it works well for you!

"As stated in FAQs, you've to use sudo reboot"

Sorry again, I noticed it later.

Thank you for this AMI, it works! And what do you mean by sharing?

@avostryakov Awesome. If you know anybody who needs a simple way to use TensorFlow on AWS, do let them know :)

Upgraded with TFAMI.v3.


@avostryakov Thanks. It works on both g2 and p2 instances now; checked it.

If you encounter any errors, do check FAQs. It would require just a very simple command, typically rebooting due to how Amazon AWS EC2 instances are made. :)