
Extension host terminated unexpectedly. v5.6.0

tiansin opened this issue ยท 22 comments

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN2v816FunctionTemplate3NewEPNS_7IsolateEPFvRKNS_20FunctionCallbackInfoINS_5ValueEEEENS_5LocalIS4_EENSA_INS_9SignatureEEEiNS_19ConstructorBehaviorENS_14SideEffectTypeE
Referenced from: /Users/mypc/.vscode/extensions/ritwickdey.liveserver-5.6.0/node_modules/vscode-fsevents/build/Release/fse.node
Expected in: flat namespace

Happens to me as well, installed previous version (5.5.1) and it worked fine. I'm on Mac OS 10.13.6

Thanks you for the report. Please give me few min.

Same here.

Hi, Is this working ? https://github.com/ritwickdey/vscode-live-server/releases/download/v5.6.0/LiveServer-v5.6.0-osx.modifed.vsix

Please download the file and try to install manually

same issue, "extension host quit unexpectedly"

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN2v816FunctionTemplate3NewEPNS_7IsolateEPFvRKNS_20FunctionCallbackInfoINS_5ValueEEEENS_5LocalIS4_EENSA_INS_9SignatureEEEiNS_19ConstructorBehaviorENS_14SideEffectTypeE
  Referenced from: /Users/USERNAME/.vscode/extensions/ritwickdey.liveserver-5.6.0/node_modules/vscode-fsevents/build/Release/fse.node
  Expected in: flat namespace

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN2v816FunctionTemplate3NewEPNS_7IsolateEPFvRKNS_20FunctionCallbackInfoINS_5ValueEEEENS_5LocalIS4_EENSA_INS_9SignatureEEEiNS_19ConstructorBehaviorENS_14SideEffectTypeE
  Referenced from: /Users/USERNAME/.vscode/extensions/ritwickdey.liveserver-5.6.0/node_modules/vscode-fsevents/build/Release/fse.node
  Expected in: flat namespace

Hi, Is this working ? https://github.com/ritwickdey/vscode-live-server/releases/download/v5.6.0/LiveServer-v5.6.0-osx.modifed.vsix

Please download the file and try to install manually

Still same error.

Okk.. Thank you.. For now revert backing the build

same error here.
I installed this file and it works.

I don't have macbook or mac. I'm sorry. That is why I'm unable to catch the error before deployment. I just made few assumption and trying to fix it.

how do I manually install?

Install from vsix

thank you for that seems to be working :)

Which one is working? have yoi tried both?

please let me know? i will deploy the build in production

Hi. please one more try

1. https://github.com/ritwickdey/vscode-live-server/releases/download/v5.6.1/LiveServer-v5.6.1-osx.modified.vsix

2. https://github.com/ritwickdey/vscode-live-server/releases/download/v5.6.1/LiveServer-v5.6.1-osx.vsix

One of them should work

Both work perfectly for me, quick note, I tried no. 1 first and got a notification for the new stuff in version 5.6.x. After, I uninstalled, tried no. 2 and didn't get the notification. So I'm not sure if there was an issue with the notification that broke the extension host or not.

That's okay. because it checks that the msg is already shown or not...

New version is published. Please try to install from store. It should work. If not, please let me know

Hello ritwickdey,
i have installed but still can see Go live button in left bottom please help me

Alguien puede Ayudarme, cuando quiero ejecutar Live Server me da este error
Can someone help me, when I want to run Live Server I get this error

this is not work to me

The live server extension keeps Disable itself from my extensions once I quit or minimize the VsCode