
This repository is intended to implement a lossless summarization tool for news articles.

Primary LanguagePython


Go through the README file of each folder to install the required dependencies. Java has to be installed for neuralcoref. Refer this link to install cdec for jamr generator. Refer this if you face any problem while installing AMRICA.

Notice: installing a different version of gcc (for jamr) might result in NVIDIA drivers behaving weirdly.

This repository was stored at my workstation at /home/ritwik/ATS and that is why in many places you might see absolute paths to it. You'll have change them by yourself.

Download the non-anonymized dataset of CNN/Daily mail from here, click on stories. Move the archive files to /dataset folder and extract there.

Make a file named files.txt and store names of all the news articles present in /dataset/cnn/stories. Similarly make a file named files2.txt for /dataset/dailymail/stories.

/test/t5.py by default picks news articles from /dataset/dailymail/stories on the basis of files2.txt. Replace dailymail with cnn and use files.txt if you wish to pick sentences from there. In that case don't forget to change the results path in /jamr/writeRslts.py from /dataset/results to /dataset/results2 (if you wish to keep the results from both datasets at different place, otherwise no problem)

Update: pywsd is to be installed as well for WSD task. NLTK is also required for POS ordering but that will be installed while installing neuralcoref library. Just to be on safe side, install NLTK again.


Once everything is installed, with the above directory structure and absolute paths resolved. Simply run

mkdir /dataset/results
mkdir /dataset/results2
mkdir /dataset/results/AMRs
mkdir /dataset/results2/AMRs
chmod +x myrun.bash
chmod +x m2yrun.bash

Final results will be stored in /dataset/results and /dataset/results2



(CNN) -- The 54 men and 14 boys rescued after being found chained this week at an Islamic religious school in Pakistan have been reunited with their families or placed in shelters, authorities said.

The group was discovered in an underground room with heavy chains linking them together.

The school, Al-Arabiya Aloom Jamia Masjid Zikirya, which also was a drug rehab clinic, is in Sohrab Goth, a suburb of Gadap in Karachi.

All 14 boys were returned to their families, senior police official Ahsanullah Marwat told CNN.

Of the adults, 47 had been released to their families, and seven were handed over to a shelter for the homeless, he said.

Three people who worked at the facility were arrested, but the four men who ran the place were still at large, Marwat said.

Officials said the facility was part madrassa and part drug-rehab facility, and the captives were chained at night apparently to prevent their escape.

"The operation was successful, and we plan on continuing our work to ensure that places like this are shut down," Marwat said.

Many of the captives told police their families sent them there because they were recovering drug addicts. During the day, they worked and did religious studies.

But the future of the rescued children was unclear.

One woman told a local television station that she was willing to pay the police to keep her troublesome child. She said she would rather have the facility remain open, regardless of how it treated the children.

Many others, however, said they were in shock and disbelief over the allegations.

One man complained he was deep in debt after paying the school a large amount of money to board his son.


authorities said that there will be 54 this week , the chain was found after rescue from islamic religious school in pakistan men and 14 boy reunite with families or placed in shelters group was discovered in the underground room for the heavy chain link together drug rehab also aloom jamia masjid zikirya gadap suburbs in karachi 's sohrab goth , anti - school cnn told the 14 all of the boy 's return to the 14 all boy family senior ahsanullah marwat police official to the police with official senior ahsanullah marwat , said that the release of 14 of all the boy family 47 adults and 47 will be handed over to the shelter for the homeless to 7 marwat said that run these four men were arrested with large still work at the facility three but officials said the apparently prevent the person captured the escape in the night , and the madrassas and facility facilities marwat said the operation was successful and we continue to work with our plan to ensure that the place to be this resemblance to shut told that many captured the police family sent the police there because the police are recovering drug addicts , police have been working at the time of the day and do the religious study but it is unclear in the rescue of the child 's future one woman told a local television station that one woman is willing to pay the police , said that one woman had the facilities remain open regardless of a woman 's troublesome one child to keep the children to be treated in the facility many of the other many other said be-destined-for with shock and disbelief the allegations one man complained that one man after paying a large amount of the money for a son board a school deep in debt