
Cannot preview my views after installing package.

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After installing the package into my SwiftUI project, I am unable to preview my views within Xcode. I get the following error:


SettingsError: noExecutablePath(<IDESwiftPackageStaticLibraryProductBuildable:ObjectIdentifier(0x000060000900fde0):'RiveRuntime'>)

When I remove the package, all is good. I have installed other packages and previews work just fine but this package causes this issue for some reason.

Provide a Repro

To reproduce this, simple install the package.


Xcode: Version 14.0.1

Same here.

My Xcode version is 14.0.1

Same issue here. The founder just replied to my tweet and suggested that we install it as an .xcframework instead of via Swift Package Manager. Apparently there is an issue with all binary frameworks with Swift Package Manager right now. Anyone know how to do this?

See the comment here: #225 (comment)

Is this issue still happening?

it looks like this maybe resolved with a later version of xcode