
watchOS/SwiftUI support

Opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be great if this library supported watchOS. Is there any chance that this library could be completely rewritten to SwiftUI? Its starting to be industry standard.

We are using Rive in our production app but we also need to use it in watchOS.

zplata commented

watchOS is definitely of interest! We'll have to gauge some effort on what's needed to support that with the current codebase, but supporting UIKit is still a must-have, at least for now.

We also would love to have watchOS Support.

any updates @zplata ? maybe we can contribute

Please feel free! We have some docs on contributing and local setup in CONTRIBUTING.md in the root level of the project - it is still of interest, but we try to balance it all with other features. If you contribute, feel free to open a pull request or post any discoveries in this issue; happy to take a further look!

@zplata library could be rewritten to SwiftUI and then it could still be used in UIKit-based code using UIHostingViewController. We use Rive in our production app but since we use SwiftUI it becomes hard to use Rive since it is not fully optimizied for SwiftUI.