
Proposed naming scheme for future flexibility

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This naming should be compatible with most media servers and not just Plex and support having multiple versions in one folder. Both different resolutions and actual editions.

In arr format:
{Movie CleanTitle} {(Release Year)} {imdb-{ImdbId}} - {edition-{Edition Tags}} {[Custom Formats]}{[Quality Full]}{[MediaInfo 3D]}{[MediaInfo VideoDynamicRangeType]}{[Mediainfo AudioCodec}{ Mediainfo AudioChannels]}[{Mediainfo VideoCodec}]{-Release Group}

Example: A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) {imdb-tt1606378} - {edition-Theatrical Cut} [MA][WEBDL-2160p Proper][DV HDR10][DTS-HD MA 7.1][h265]-FLUX.mkv

Do we want to include edition by default? Off the top of my head I'm thinking the usual year and imdb id.. but also resolution, quality and audio?

Something closer to:

A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) {imdb-tt1606378} {edition-Theatrical Cut} [2160p] [DV HDR10] [DTS-HD MA 7.1].mkv

Not sure on the edition part..

Don't think there is any downside and it prepares for the option to have different editions. So why not?

Note the - in this format {imdb-{ImdbId}} - {edition-{Edition Tags}} that is needed I think for compatibility