rivermigrate using a single connection instead of a pool
Opened this issue · 4 comments
River is an excellent piece of software, I'm in love with it :)
Recently, I tried to integrate river migration with the migration tooling that uses pgx/v5
's pgx.Conn
to drive the migration instead of a pgxpool.Pool
. Unfortunately, River seems to not supporting it. Previously it supported pgx.Tx
, but then it was removed.
Are you open to add support for pgx.Conn
/generic single connection?
Glad you’re liking it! 😀
This might be a tricky thing to implement. The reason is that the migrator works on a driver, and the pgx driver can currently only be initialized with a pool. We might be able to make it work on a conn with some refactoring, though we’d probably want to make sure people can’t use that single conn driver with a River Client because that would likely have some issues and would be a big foot gun.
I am definitely open to it if we can figure out a way to address those concerns!
Ahh, great!
The way I see it, to make the Migrator
to work with connections, we can remove reliance on the driver
and make Migrate
function to accept conn
as argument instead.
Connection could be something as simple as dbsqlc.DBTX
and sqlc
is configured with emit_methods_with_db_argument: true
@roman-vanesyan the migrator needs to continue being able to work with multiple database adapters so I think it's important that it continue operating on an interface like that. It does use a small subset of the driver methods, but certain ones like GetMigrationFS
are important in making riverpro
work. I think we may need a different approach that works within this design instead 🤔
River seems to not supporting it.
riverPgxDriver := riverpgxv5.New(/* *pgxpool.Pool */)
riverMigrator, err := rivermigrate.New(riverPgxDriver, &rivermigrate.Config{})
I'm able to migrate with a pool on v0.12.1 (I don't see any breaking changes yet)