
can't login on production

happysalada opened this issue · 1 comments

I have moved out of the coherence library and switched to writing my own code with comeonin and bcrypt. Since bcrypt is the same library used by coherence to hash passwords, I have no problem logging in old user accounts with the old password. However when I deploy to production (production settings, but it's actually staging), It tells me that the password don't match anymore.
Is there some setting that get activated on production?

I am using docker to compile my image. I have read the deployment guide and here is the relevant part. (I don't believe this is wrong)

COPY mix.* /opt/app/
RUN mix do deps.get --only prod
RUN cd deps/bcrypt_elixir && make clean && make
RUN mix deps.compile

is there something else I have forgotten?

I had the wrong db, all is working well