
Print Hilbert function and Betti numbers from a module invariants file

Opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be helpful if rivet_console could print the values of the Hilbert function and bigraded Betti numbers from a module invariants file. Currently, one must re-do the computation from an input file to obtain these values.

This is similar to Issue #129.

I agree with this issue but for different reasons.

I'm writing a paper where I make predictions for the betti numbers of a bigraded persistence module. I want to plot my predicted bigraded Betti number window against the output from RIVET. At present all I can do is print out the line selection window from the RIVET GUI.

It would be much more pleasant if I had the data and just created my own plotting code in Python. For instance, this would allow me to plot various predicted curves into the betti number plot (from RIVET data). Saving the line selection window from RIVET creates a scale issue -- it can be quite fussy to scale and shift the images so they are at the same scale, sharing a common axis.

Hi Ryan, this is relatively convenient with the Python API, if you are looking for something like https://github.com/rivetTDA/rivet-python/blob/master/example/RIVET%20Python%20API%20Tour.ipynb (see box 11)? Let me know if I'm misunderstanding.

Thanks, I did not know the Python API was available. I'll look into it as soon as I wake my laptop from its swapping coma.