
Request failed with status code 429

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After installing and inserting my API key and turning on completion I keep getting the error "Error Completing: Request failed with status code 429".

Completion has not worked a single time. I tried switching models (ChatGPT, GPT-3 Davinci), still same error.

What does this mean and how can it be solved?

Maybe we need to have Plus for these models? Doesn't work for me either

No, this is not the matter of using Plus. OpenAI limits free accounts to three requests per minute. I'm thinking about what I can do to solve this, for now the easiest solution should be to add your credit card to your OpenAI account at https://platform.openai.com.

I added a "fallback" feature - if you have at least one preset saved, you can specify a "fallback" that'll be used to suggest completions while ChatGPT is rate limited. By specifying a different provider in this preset, you're able to still use completions, even though at a lower quality. The only way to keep the quality the same is unfortunately upgrading your account. I'm closing this issue as there isn't much more I can do. If you have any further feedback, don't hesitate to let me know!