
project save and loading

xrkk opened this issue · 5 comments

xrkk commented

I tested blow code to save and load project with rzpipe, but it Hangs.

import rzpipe

# project file "bin-ls" created in current directory
rz = rzpipe.open("/bin/ls")
rz.cmd('Ps bin-ls') 

# Another session
rz = rzpipe.open("--")
rz.cmd('Po bin-ls')  # it hangs here 

What Rizin version and platform do you use?

if you are using dev, the -- arg has been changed to == to follow more the unix philosophy since normally when you do some_command - you are saying to read from stdin.

xrkk commented

What Rizin version and platform do you use?

I used rizin-v0.2.1-static-x86_64.tar.xz from Release page, run in WSLv1.

I did below test:

  1. in rizin shell, open /bin/ls and save project as binls_shell
  2. in rzpipe, open /bin/ls and save project as binls_pipe
  3. in rzpipe, try load project binls_shell/binls_pipe, both hangs.
  4. in rizin shell, open project binls_shell success but binls_pipe hangs.

@wargio I used --, because rizin cannot open == in my tested version.

Well, just tested again on Ubuntu 18.04.

4 steps same as above, but produced different result in step 3: rzpipe can load binls_pipe(still hangs when loading binls_shell)

I think I found the problem. Probably Po restores the value of scr.prompt, thus the rzpipe breaks . cc @thestr4ng3r

@xrkk I'm going to close this. It will be fixed in next release (or in dev branch, if you do use rizin from git). Thanks for reporting this bug to us!