
Error parsing '--rule' CLI option

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • Node Version: 10.15.3
  • Eslint-Watch Version: 5.0.1
  • Eslint Version: 5.16.0

Basic Description of the problem

Erroneous handling of CLI --rule option.

How to reproduce it

Command: npx esw --rule 'indent: [2, tab]' src


Invalid value for option 'rule' - expected type Object, received value: [object Object].


After some eslint-watch debugging I figured out that the command

npx esw --rule 'indent: [2, tab]' src

triggers eslint-watch's src/eslint/index.js line 17

const result = await execa('eslint', args);

with args equal to

  { indent: [ 2, 'tab' ] },

So { indent: [ 2, 'tab' ] } gets changed to [object Object] string.

Just for the sake of debugging, if I manually hardcode eslint-watch's src/eslint/index.js line 17 with args equal to

  'indent: [2, tab]',

everything works as expected and without throwing errors.

This should have been fixed with #151 but I can verify. (Has not been released yet.)

This should be fixed with v5.1.0