
Running `esw --changed -w` causes non-JS files to attempt to be linted

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • Node Version: v8.15.0
  • Eslint-Watch Version: current master branch
  • Eslint Version: v5.16.0

Basic Description of the problem

Running esw --changed -w causes non-JS files to attempt to be linted.

We noticed this after upgrading from eslint-watch v3 to v5; this command was working as expected (only detecting/linting JS code in a repo when run in a repo containing many languages) in v3 for a long time.

How to reproduce it

  1. Clone this repo; have master branch checked out.
  2. touch foo.py
  3. bin/esw --changed -w
  4. In an editor, add some Python code to foo.py, e.g.:
def foo():
  1. The watch process detects this and prints a spurious error:
2:5  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected ";"

1 |
> 2 | def foo():
  |     ^
3 |     pass
4 |

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

Debug output:

$ DEBUG='esw:*' bin/esw --changed -w
  esw:eslint-help Loaded +0ms
  esw:main [ '--changed', '-w' ] +0ms
  esw:main ESW: v5.1.2 +2ms
  esw:eslint Executing [ '--help' ] +0ms
  esw:eslint { stdout: 'eslint [options] file.js [file.js] [dir]\n\nBasic configuration:\n  --no-eslintrc                Disable use of configuration from .eslintrc.*\n  -c, --config path::String    Use this configuration, overriding .eslintrc.* config options if present\n  --env [String]               Specify environments\n  --ext [String]               Specify JavaScript file extensions - default: .js\n  --global [String]            Define global variables\n  --parser String              Specify the parser to be used\n  --parser-options Object      Specify parser options\n\nSpecifying rules and plugins:\n  --rulesdir [path::String]    Use additional rules from this directory\n  --plugin [String]            Specify plugins\n  --rule Object                Specify rules\n\nFixing problems:\n  --fix                        Automatically fix problems\n  --fix-dry-run                Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system\n  --fix-type Array             Specify the types of fixes to apply (problem, suggestion, layout)\n\nIgnoring files:\n  --ignore-path path::String   Specify path of ignore file\n  --no-ignore                  Disable use of ignore files and patterns\n  --ignore-pattern [String]    Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)\n\nUsing stdin:\n  --stdin                      Lint code provided on <STDIN> - default: false\n  --stdin-filename String      Specify filename to process STDIN as\n\nHandling warnings:\n  --quiet                      Report errors only - default: false\n  --max-warnings Int           Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code - default: -1\n\nOutput:\n  -o, --output-file path::String  Specify file to write report to\n  -f, --format String          Use a specific output format - default: stylish\n  --color, --no-color          Force enabling/disabling of color\n\nInline configuration comments:\n  --no-inline-config           Prevent comments from changing config or rules\n  --report-unused-disable-directives  Adds reported errors for unused eslint-disable directives\n\nCaching:\n  --cache                      Only check changed files - default: false\n  --cache-file path::String    Path to the cache file. Deprecated: use --cache-location - default: .eslintcache\n  --cache-location path::String  Path to the cache file or directory\n\nMiscellaneous:\n  --init                       Run config initialization wizard - default: false\n  --debug                      Output debugging information\n  -h, --help                   Show help\n  -v, --version                Output the version number\n  --print-config path::String  Print the configuration for the given file',
  esw:eslint   stderr: '',
  esw:eslint   code: 0,
  esw:eslint   failed: false,
  esw:eslint   killed: false,
  esw:eslint   signal: null,
  esw:eslint   cmd: 'eslint --help',
  esw:eslint   timedOut: false } +241ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --no-eslintrc +332ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing no option --no-eslintrc +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Alias found: -c +1ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --config +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --env +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --ext +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --global +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --parser +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --parser-options +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --rulesdir +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --plugin +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --rule +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --fix +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --fix-dry-run +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --fix-type +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --ignore-path +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --no-ignore +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing no option --no-ignore +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --ignore-pattern +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --stdin +1ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --stdin-filename +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --quiet +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --max-warnings +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Alias found: -o +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --output-file +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Alias found: -f +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --format +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --no-inline-config +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing no option --no-inline-config +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --report-unused-disable-directives +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --cache +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --cache-file +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --cache-location +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --init +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --debug +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Alias found: -h +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --help +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Alias found: -v +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --version +0ms
  esw:eslint-help Parsing --print-config +0ms
  esw:options [ { heading: 'ESW Options' },
  esw:options   { option: 'help',
  esw:options     alias: 'h',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Show help' },
  esw:options   { option: 'watch',
  esw:options     alias: 'w',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Enable file watch' },
  esw:options   { option: 'changed',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Enables single file linting while watch is enabled' },
  esw:options   { option: 'clear',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Clear terminal when running lint' },
  esw:options   { option: 'version',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     alias: 'v',
  esw:options     description: 'Prints Eslint-Watch Version' },
  esw:options   { option: 'versions',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Prints Eslint-Watch and Eslint Versions' },
  esw:options   { option: 'watch-ignore',
  esw:options     type: 'RegExp',
  esw:options     description: 'Regex string of folders to ignore when watching - default: /.git|node_modules|bower_components/' },
  esw:options   { option: 'watch-delay',
  esw:options     type: 'Int',
  esw:options     description: 'Delay(ms) for watcher to wait to trigger re-lint',
  esw:options     default: '300' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Basic configuration' },
  esw:options   { default: 'true',
  esw:options     option: 'eslintrc',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Disable use of configuration from .eslintrc.*' },
  esw:options   { option: 'config',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Use this configuration, overriding .eslintrc.* config options if present',
  esw:options     alias: 'c' },
  esw:options   { option: 'env',
  esw:options     type: '[String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify environments' },
  esw:options   { option: 'ext',
  esw:options     type: '[String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify JavaScript file extensions - default: .js' },
  esw:options   { option: 'global',
  esw:options     type: '[String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Define global variables' },
  esw:options   { option: 'parser',
  esw:options     type: 'String',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify the parser to be used' },
  esw:options   { option: 'parser-options',
  esw:options     type: 'Object',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify parser options' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Specifying rules and plugins' },
  esw:options   { option: 'rulesdir',
  esw:options     type: '[path::String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Use additional rules from this directory' },
  esw:options   { option: 'plugin',
  esw:options     type: '[String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify plugins' },
  esw:options   { option: 'rule', type: 'Object', description: 'Specify rules' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Fixing problems' },
  esw:options   { option: 'fix',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Automatically fix problems' },
  esw:options   { option: 'fix-dry-run',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system' },
  esw:options   { option: 'fix-type',
  esw:options     type: 'Array',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify the types of fixes to apply (problem suggestion, layout)' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Ignoring files' },
  esw:options   { option: 'ignore-path',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify path of ignore file' },
  esw:options   { default: 'true',
  esw:options     option: 'ignore',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Disable use of ignore files and patterns' },
  esw:options   { option: 'ignore-pattern',
  esw:options     type: '[String]',
  esw:options     description: 'Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Using stdin' },
  esw:options   { option: 'stdin',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Lint code provided on <STDIN> - default: false' },
  esw:options   { option: 'stdin-filename',
  esw:options     type: 'String',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify filename to process STDIN as' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Handling warnings' },
  esw:options   { option: 'quiet',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Report errors only - default: false' },
  esw:options   { option: 'max-warnings',
  esw:options     type: 'Int',
  esw:options     description: 'Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code - default: -1' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Output' },
  esw:options   { option: 'output-file',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Specify file to write report to',
  esw:options     alias: 'o' },
  esw:options   { option: 'format',
  esw:options     type: 'String',
  esw:options     description: 'Use a specific output format - default: stylish',
  esw:options     alias: 'f' },
  esw:options   { option: 'color',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     alias: 'no-color',
  esw:options     description: 'Force enabling/disabling of color' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Inline configuration comments' },
  esw:options   { default: 'true',
  esw:options     option: 'inline-config',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Prevent comments from changing config or rules' },
  esw:options   { option: 'report-unused-disable-directives',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Adds reported errors for unused eslint-disable directives' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Caching' },
  esw:options   { option: 'cache',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Only check changed files - default: false' },
  esw:options   { option: 'cache-file',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Path to the cache file. Deprecated: use --cache-location - default: .eslintcache' },
  esw:options   { option: 'cache-location',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Path to the cache file or directory' },
  esw:options   { heading: 'Miscellaneous' },
  esw:options   { option: 'init',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Run config initialization wizard - default: false' },
  esw:options   { option: 'debug',
  esw:options     type: 'Boolean',
  esw:options     description: 'Output debugging information' },
  esw:options   { option: 'print-config',
  esw:options     type: 'path::String',
  esw:options     description: 'Print the configuration for the given file' } ] +0ms
  esw:main { changed: true,
  esw:main   watch: true,
  esw:main   watchDelay: 300,
  esw:main   eslintrc: true,
  esw:main   ignore: true,
  esw:main   inlineConfig: true,
  esw:main   _: [ '/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch' ] } +252ms
  esw:commands Running 0 esw commands +0ms
  esw:commands Success:  +0ms
  esw:watch:chokidar Watching [ '/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch' ] { ignored: undefined } +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.babelrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.editorconfig added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.eslintignore added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.eslintrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.nvmrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.nycrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.prettierrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.travis.yml added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/.yarnclean added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/LICENSE added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/README.md added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/appveyor.yml added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/foo.py added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/package-lock.json added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/yarn.lock added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/package.json added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/bin/esw added. +3ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/logger.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/scripts/deploy.sh added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/.eslintrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/globals.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/mocha-integration.opts added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/mocha-unit.opts added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/mocha.opts added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/index.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/logger.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/cli/options.js added. +7ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/commands/clear.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/commands/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/commands/version.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/commands/versions.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/eslint/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/eslint/parser.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/integration/integration-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/mocks/eslint-help.text added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/mocks/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/cli/options.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/commands/clear.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/commands/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/commands/version.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/commands/versions.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/eslint/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/eslint/parser.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/events/watch/chokidar.js added. +4ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/events/watch/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/build/events/watch/key-listener.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/integration/test-files/.eslintrc added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/cli/options-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/commands/clear-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/commands/commands-spec.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/commands/version-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/commands/versions-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/eslint/eslint-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/eslint/help-parser-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/events/chokidar-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/unit/events/watch-spec.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/events/watch/chokidar.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/events/watch/index.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/events/watch/key-listener.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/integration/test-files/sub1/a.js added. +1ms
  esw:events:watch /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/tests/integration/test-files/sub2/b.js added. +0ms
  esw:events:watch Ready +0ms
  esw:eslint Executing [ '--eslintrc', '--ignore', '--inline-config', '/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch' ] +0ms
  esw:eslint { stdout: '\n/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/cli/options.js\n   88:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n  112:13  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n  119:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n  121:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n  122:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n\n/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/eslint/parser.js\n   24:3  warning  Function \'parseNo\' expected no return value                               consistent-return\n   63:3  warning  Function \'parseRegular\' expected no return value                          consistent-return\n  106:7  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n  122:5  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n\n/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/events/watch/chokidar.js\n  12:21  warning  The use of method `watch` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods\n\n/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/src/index.js\n  35:7  warning  Async method \'run\' expected a return value  consistent-return\n\n✖ 11 problems (0 errors, 11 warnings)\n',
  esw:eslint   stderr: '',
  esw:eslint   code: 0,
  esw:eslint   failed: false,
  esw:eslint   killed: false,
  esw:eslint   signal: null,
  esw:eslint   cmd: 'eslint --eslintrc --ignore --inline-config /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch',
  esw:eslint   timedOut: false } +926ms

   88:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods
  112:13  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods
  119:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods
  121:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods
  122:11  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods

   24:3  warning  Function 'parseNo' expected no return value                               consistent-return
   63:3  warning  Function 'parseRegular' expected no return value                          consistent-return
  106:7  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods
  122:5  warning  The use of method `push` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods

  12:21  warning  The use of method `watch` is not allowed as it might be a mutating method  fp/no-mutating-methods

  35:7  warning  Async method 'run' expected a return value  consistent-return

✖ 11 problems (0 errors, 11 warnings)

  esw:events:watch Detected change: /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/foo.py +7s
  esw:eslint Executing [ '--eslintrc', '--ignore', '--inline-config', '/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/foo.py' ] +0ms
  esw:eslint Error: Command failed: eslint --eslintrc --ignore --inline-config /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/foo.py
  esw:eslint /home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/foo.py
  esw:eslint   2:5  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected ";"
  esw:eslint   1 |
  esw:eslint > 2 | def foo():
  esw:eslint     |     ^
  esw:eslint   3 |     pass
  esw:eslint   4 |
  esw:eslint ✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
  esw:eslint     at makeError (/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/node_modules/execa/index.js:174:9)
  esw:eslint     at Promise.all.then.arr (/home/bob/src/rizowski/eslint-watch/node_modules/execa/index.js:278:16)
  esw:eslint     at <anonymous>
  esw:eslint     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7) +514ms
  2:5  error  Parsing error: Unexpected token, expected ";"

  1 |
> 2 | def foo():
    |     ^
  3 |     pass
  4 |

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

Looks like I did forget a piece when moving to 5.


Lines 143 to 147 in 3a789d2

if (!cli.isPathIgnored(path) && isWatchableExtension(path, options.ext)) {
const watchPath = options.changed ? [path] : watchDir;

Ah right, thanks for the quick response!

This has been released with esw@6.0.0

Amazing, thanks!